Video: Blackhawks' Jones and Murphy car jacked outside Chicago restaurant.

Video: Blackhawks' Jones and Murphy car jacked outside Chicago restaurant.

Wow! Sources say the two players are shaken but unharmed.



Chicago Blackhawks' defensemen Caleb Jones and Connor Murphy were the victims of a carjacking in downtown Chicago last week, as first reported by tabloid media company TMZ.

The pair were reportedly enjoying dinner together inside a restaurant while thieves allegedly stuck up the valet and stole the vehicles of both players. Murphy had his $100,000 2017 Porsche Panamera stolen, while Jones had his $90,000 2021 Jeep Trackhawk stolen. It's unclear if the players were targeted specifically, but to me it seems unlikely. This is simply a case of criminals seeing two valuable vehicles and acting accordingly.

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To see the full video of the carjacking, you'll have to visit TMZ's site:

Neither of the players, nor the team have released a statement on the matter.

Source: TMZ