
About us

HockeyFeed is committed to providing accurate, reliable, and unbiased information. This page details our mission, history, and the people behind our content.


HockeyFeed is the number one source where to find all the latest news and rumours about what’s going on in the hockey world. NHL, KHL, NCAA, junior and even pee-wee, we cover it all.

Attraction Digital

Attraction Numérique is one of the largest digital groups in Quebec, bringing together around ten websites including flagship brands like Monde de Stars, Mon Fric, HABSolument Fan and HockeyFeed.

With a reach of over 15 million followers on social media, we leverage the strength of the network to reach audiences where they are.

Attraction Numérique is above all a team of around twenty professionals, proud to be established in Quebec and to promote local content.

Attraction Numérique is a division of Attraction, a key Quebec player in the world of entertainment. With more than 8,000 hours of content and prestigious awards to its credit, Attraction aims to move and entertain, on the small, big screen and digital platforms.

Our network

Our network encompasses a multitude of properties spread across different areas of expertise. Each of these properties is under the responsibility of a team of seasoned writers, ensuring high-quality content.