Trade offer officially on the table for Martin Necas!

Trade offer officially on the table for Martin Necas!

Imminent trade on the radar:

Chris Gosselin

A trade for forward Martin Necas in Carolina could take place in the next 48 hours. According to Pierre LeBrun, an anonymous team reportedly has an offer on the table for Necas that virtually meets all of the Hurricanes’ demands.

“[L]eague sources say that there is one team in particular that is pretty close with Carolina on the framework of a deal and that if that trade goes through, it would involve a first-round pick Friday night. So if that particular team decides to go ahead with Carolina, we will know within 48 hours here.”

LeBrun also adds that if the transaction goes through, it will involve a first round pick from the draft, which will take place on Friday.

If Necas is not traded over the weekend, general manager Eric Tulsky indicated that it is still possible that the Canes retain his services for another year.

Chatter emerged out of Raleigh once the Canes were eliminated from the postseason and Necas’ father explained how his son would like to play somewhere other than Carolina, on a first line and on the first power play. That’s because head coach Brind’Amour never used Necas in such a way, stapling him to the right wing for much of his past five seasons in Carolina.

Necas has still put up impressive numbers nonetheless, leading the team in scoring in 2022-23 with 28 goals and 71 points, while recording 24 tallies this season with a total of 53 points.

Necas is a restricted free agent with arbitration rights this offseason as his two-year, $6 million bridge deal comes to an end, and there is a sense that a trade will come this summer.

Several teams have already been linked to Necas, including Buffalo, Detroit, Columbus, Calgary, Vancouver, Boston, Chicago, and Nashville. Did one of them make that hard to resist offer to the Hurricanes?