Paul Bissonnette loses a bet, and loses his hair.

Paul Bissonnette loses a bet, and loses his hair.

Biznasty gets a sweet new look.

Jonathan Larivee

The old saying goes put your money where your mouth is, well in this case former National Hockey League player turned NHL analyst Paul Bissonnette has officially put his hair where his mouth is.

Bissonnette made the big mistake of placing his faith in the Calgary Flames prior to the Battle of Alberta, doing so by making a friendly wager with another former NHL player in the form of Ryan Whitney. The two men each picked a side in the Battle of Alberta with Bissonnette picking the Flames and putting his hair on the line in the process. In fact Bissonnette wagered that he would shave his head on national television if the Flames were to lose to the Edmonton Oilers.

As we now know fate and the hockey gods would conspire against Bissonnette and the Flames and when it came time to bring Game 3 of the Western Conference Final in Edmonton, Whitney came to collect on his debt. Much to his credit Bissonnette not only agreed to have his head shaved in front of a huge crowd of hair thirsty Oilers fans who were overjoyed at the sight of Bissonnette having to give up his hair after picking against their beloved team, but he also continued to rock the ridiculous haircut on the NHL broadcast all through the telecast of Game 3.

Here are some great shots of Bissonnette on the broadcast: