Instant karma after 2-handed chop in beer league brawl.

Instant karma after 2-handed chop in beer league brawl.

A player who decided to use his stick as a weapon during a brawl was on the receiving end of some instant karma for his actions.

Jonathan Larivee

A beer league brawl has led to a wild sequence of events that ends with one player getting a dose of instant karma, one he most certainly deserved.

In a video published to YouTube by user Darren Fishman, we can see a beer league brawl break out between a pair of teams that have clearly seen enough of one another. Things devolve on the ice but it is a fairly typical brawl with players trading some harsh words and some punches, that is until one player in an orange jersey takes things way too far.

The as of yet unidentified player can be seen standing on the ice and reaching back behind his head for what is an overhand 2-handed swing of the hockey stick into the back of the head of an unsuspecting opponent on the bench. The tomahawk like chop can be clearly heard on the video and was no doubt also heard clearly throughout the arena.

The player, quickly realizing that he has gone too far, immediately turns to flee from the ice and tries to skate off the rink quickly before retaliation can come his way. Unfortunately for him, a quick thinking man standing off the ice slams the door shut before he can make his escape, causing the attacker to crash hard into the boards.

He is then quickly swarmed, including by the player he struck in the head, and was no doubt made to pay for his actions.