Disgusting chants towards female high school goalie should have prompted officials to stop the game!

Disgusting chants towards female high school goalie should have prompted officials to stop the game!

WARNING | This video contains foul and vulgar language.



This is simply horrific and unacceptable. Not just in a hockey game, but anywhere!

On social media, a video from Pennsylvania in which you can hear high school players chanting at the opposite goalie has started trending. That’s because the players are skating on the ice, taunting the goalie, who is a high school girl with the most disgusting chants you can hear.

That’s right, the poor girl had to wait in her crease as she heard her rivals chanting “she’s a whore” and “suck our dicks” over and over…

The arena was full of supporters and none of them did something about it. Not even the referees, who should have stopped the game, give her the shutout and rubbed it in those dicks’ faces.

This is enraging.

I cannot believe this is still taking place. These kids should know by now that hockey is for everyone. I hope none of them making it to the NHL or professional ranks : they do not deserve it.

Source: Twitter