Columbus news team fires back at Calgary news anchor over Johnny Gaudreau.

Columbus news team fires back at Calgary news anchor over Johnny Gaudreau.

Columbus returns fire!

Jonathan Larivee

There has perhaps been no bigger story since the opening of free agency in the National Hockey League this past Wednesday than the decision by former Calgary Flames forward Johnny Gaudreau to walk away from his former team and sign with the Columbus Blue Jackets. That would have been a big story in its own right, but the fact that Gaudreau took both less money and less term to make the move to Columbus has added a considerable level of drama and has resulted in a lot of hurt feelings.

While there have been some pretty spicy takes regarding Gaudreau's decision to leave the Flames hanging there have also been some more light hearted ones, with perhaps the best example coming from CBC news anchor Andrew Brown. On the night it was that revealed Gaudreau would be signing with the Blue Jackets for less money, Brown signed off from his broadcast by taking what came off as a good-natured shot at the former Flames star forward.

"I'll be back here at 11, unless a news station in Columbus offers me way less money... then I'll probably go do that," said Brown with a smile.

The clip of Brown's jab at Gaudreau caught quite a bit of attention online and as you might expect it also made the rounds in Columbus as well where Gaudreau will be playing hockey next season. Well as it turns out, some of the people who saw Brown's clip in Columbus happen to work for the local Fox affiliate station and as a result they decided to fire back at the Calgary news achor.

The Columbus news team began by giving Brown a shoutout, playing his clip not once but twice on their broadcast, before taking him up on his offer in a rather comedic fashion. The news team produced a giant check for "way less money" as Brown had requested, and offered him a full time job covering nothing but Johnny Gaudreau.

Here is the rather amusing segment from Fox 28 in Columbus:

Much to his credit, Brown has given the Fox 28 news team, and their segment on him, a shoutout of his own while also adding that he has some things to think about.