Blais out for the season after another dirty slew foot from Subban
New Jersey Devils  

Blais out for the season after another dirty slew foot from Subban

Enough already! That's like five slew foots this season! Suspend him already!



Veteran New Jersey Devils defenseman P.K. Subban must have some incriminating photos of George Parros, head of NHL Player Safety, or something because it's the only way to explain how he has escaped punishment for a rash of dirty plays early this season.

In case you missed it on Sunday evening, New York Rangers forward Sammy Blais left his team's game against the Devils after falling awkwardly in the corner while being pursued by Subban. 

Here's the play in question:

A closer look reveals that Subban, in fact, hit Blais with a "slew foot" trip, essentially kicking his foot forward and forcing him to go down to the ice hard.

A closer look:

As a result, Blais is out for the season, according to Rangers insider Larry Brooks.

This is just the latest in a rash of slew foot trips that Subban has perpetrated early in the season, resulting in exactly 0 suspensions and a measly $20,000 in fines.

You may recall that Subban has also slew footed Anaheim Ducks forward Trevor Zegras, Calgary Flames forward Milan Lucic and Rangers forward Ryan Reaves so far this season. I mean... just look at this rap sheet:

That's now four... 4!!! ... slew foots in about a month and a half. I mean... come on, NHL Player Safety! Wake up! What's it going to take for this guy to get suspended?!

While Reaves, Lucic and Zegras all seem to have come out just fine, Blais is now out for the season and Subban will 100% slew foot someone again... probably in the Devils' next game.

To me, a slew foot is about the sneakiest, dirtiest thing you could ever do to someone out on the ice. There's no way to defend against it and it's effectively like having the rug pulled out from underneath you. You lose complete control of your balance and if you're lucky you'll only fall back flat on your ass. If you're unlucky though you'll slam the back of your head into the ice with no way to brace for the fall. Again, it's about as dirty as it gets.

Parros and NHL Player Safety need to step up here and make an example of Subban before anyone else gets injured. 

Source: Larry Brooks