Son of former NHL Enforcer completely destroys his opponent.

Son of former NHL Enforcer completely destroys his opponent.

Son of a former NHL enforcer shows that the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Jonathan Larivee

The son of a former National Hockey League enforcer is showing that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

On Friday night, during a game in the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League contested between the Nipawin Hawks and Iron Horse Kindersley Klippers, Luke Chase, the son of former NHL enforcer Kelly Chase, delivered what can only be described as a one-sided beatdown.

Luke, who plays for the Hawks, was taking on the Klippers' Ethan Hilbig in what appeared to be a contest between a pair of willing participants at center ice. Both men had removed their gloves long before meeting at center ice, but unfortunately for Hilbig the tilt would not go in his favor at all.

Although Hilbig appeared to put up a valiant effort at first, it was clear that the punishment being delivered by Luke was taking its toll on him with Hilbig absorbing the vast majority of the blows in this exchange. Hilbig even dropped to his knees at one point but, to the credit of his toughness, actually managed to get back up only to take more punishment from Luke who was clearly dominating.

Following the fight, Kelly Chase would publish the video to social media and acknowledged that he may no longer be the toughest man in the family.

Luke even received a great deal of praise from a number of NHL stars of the past, including the legendary Chris Pronger.