Rumor: Mike Babcock mentioned in connection to NHL coaching gig.
Joel Marklund/Bildbyran/Zuma  

Rumor: Mike Babcock mentioned in connection to NHL coaching gig.

A return for Babcock.

Jonathan Larivee

There are a number of teams struggling to start the season in the National Hockey League and when teams struggle one of the first topics that often comes up is talk of a potential coaching change.

Perhaps at the very front of that list, or near to it at least, are the Vancouver Canucks. The Canucks had high expectations coming into this season but now, roughly a quarter of the way through the campaign, they look like a directionless group with very little upside. There are a number of people who should shoulder the blame for how things have turned out, perhaps none more than general manager Jim Benning and owners Roberto and Francesco Aquilini, but head coach Travis Green is much more likely to be on the chopping block.

On a recent episode of Donnie and Dhali, Canucks analyst Don Taylor and Canucks insider Rick Dhaliwal talked about the possibility of a highly controversial replacement for Green. That replacement would be former Toronto Maple Leafs head coach Mike Babcock and current University of Saskatchewan head coach Mike Babcock.

It was Taylor who brought up the name first suggesting that Babcock's name "has been thrown around," and while he himself seemed open to the idea, Dhaliwal was having none of it. The Canucks insider repeatedly pointed to the fact that Canucks ownership is unwilling to spend big money on a head coach.

"If they move on from their coach I don't know if they wanna spend money" said Dhaliwal.

What makes the suggestion from Taylor so interesting is the fact that Babcock finds himself at something of a crossroads in his career as well. Babcock's reputation took a significant hit after he was fired by the Toronto Maple Leafs, so much so that Taylor even referred to him as "damaged goods" while making the case that Babcock could wind up in Vancouver.

"What do you think his ask is? It's not going to be $6 million a year," said Taylor.

Babcock is still earning his salary from the Toronto Maple Leafs and would perhaps be willing to take a paycut to get back in the swing of things and rebuild his reputation at the NHL level. Whether or not that is something that Babcock, who currently seems content coaching with his son in Saskatchewan, would consider remains to be seen.