NHL Player Safety comes down on Arber Xhekaj on Sunday.

NHL Player Safety comes down on Arber Xhekaj on Sunday.

The National Hockey League's Department of Player Safety has punished Arber Xhekaj for his response on Saturday night.

Jonathan Larivee

The National Hockey League's Department of Player Safety has responded to last night's chaotic game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens, with the first player to be disciplined being Canadiens enforcer Arber Xhekaj.

All things considered Xhekaj will be getting off pretty light here with no suspension forthcoming and instead a fine of $3,385.42 coming his way. As per usual, Player Safety has announced that this is the maximum amount they could fine Xhekaj under the rules of the current collective bargaining agreement.

Xhekaj has been fined under the "unsportsmanlike conduct" rule.

The fine of course comes as a result of the vicious beatdown Xhekaj delivered to Maple Leafs rookie centerman Cedric Pare on Saturday night, a beatdown that came in direct response to Pare going knee on knee with Canadiens forward Patrik Laine.

Laine was not only injured on the play, remaining down on the ice for several moments, but also appeared distraught as he was carried back to the locker room. Laine was so furious that he could be seen throwing both his gloves and helmet in anger as he was being helped by two members of the Canadiens staff.

As I reported earlier today, the initial updates on Laine don't look very good.

You do have to wonder if this is the last we will hear from NHL Player Safety regarding this particular game, stay tuned for all updates on this developing story as I will be bringing them to you as quickly as possible.