Mark Messier publicly calls out Rangers forward on Saturday.

Mark Messier publicly calls out Rangers forward on Saturday.

Mark Messier did not like what he saw on Saturday and called it out in very public fashion.

Jonathan Larivee

Mark Messier has seen enough.

On Saturday there was something of a controversial moment in the first period of a clash between the Washington Capitals and the New York Rangers when Capitals forward Tom Wilson left Rangers forward Jonny Brodzinski leaking all over the ice. If you haven't seen the hit you can check out our coverage of that incident here.

During the first intermission the hit itself was discussed and one of the figures who chimed in on the incident was Rangers legend Mark Messier. You might be inclined to believe that Messier is biased towards the Rangers, but if that is indeed the case he certainly didn't show it here.

Messier began by showing his disgust with the idea of a boarding penalty to begin with.

"First of all I don't know what 2 minutes for boarding is," said Messier. "That wasn't a call in my era."

Messier then went off on Brodzinski whom he felt put himself in a vulnerable position and was actually the player to blame for this entire controversy, not Wilson.

"I'm so tired of players putting themselves in vulnerable positions," said Messier. "This is crazy. I would have played 5 years in the league if I turned my back to that. I played 26 because I never put myself in a vulnerable position."

Messier brought up a name from the past that would have ended many more careers had players turned their backs, and Messier even went a step further by crediting Wilson for easing up on Brodzinski.

"You don't stand facing the boards if Scott Stevens is on the ice coming after you," said Messier. "You can see Wilson let up on him on the hit."

Messier's concern with this kind of behavior from players appeared to stem from his concern for the young kids playing the game of hockey.

"He put himself in a vulnerable position for no reason.... boys and girls do not put yourself in that position," concluded Messier.