Many assaults charges result from last night’s ugly fight in Winnipeg!

Many assaults charges result from last night’s ugly fight in Winnipeg!

Ugly details leaked on what really happened:



As you probably saw trending last night in Winnipeg, an ugly fight broke out between a Jets fan and a fan of the visiting Colorado Avalanche, and it resulted in a Jets fan getting clocked and falling backwards down the concrete steps of Canada Life Center.

On Wednesday, it was confirmed that two Manitobans face a number of assault charges, an uncooperative woman and a man in the stands, as they were placed under arrest last night.

Police say the man and woman were causing a disturbance during the game and ended up injuring two security staff trying to detain them.

The man that lost his balance and fell back onto the ice surface boards, causing a laceration to his head, was taken to hospital and was treated for his injury.

A 34-year-old man from Winnipeg was charged with two counts of assaults and resisting a peace officer. A 28-year-old woman from The Pas was charged with two counts of assault, assaulting a peace office and resisting a peace officer. She spat at one of the arresting officers, who then applied a spit mask to stop her from doing it again.

Per the report by Winnipeg CTV News, alcohol is believed to have been a factor in the incident.

Police say both were released on undertakings as mandated by the Criminal Code.