Linus Ullmark responds to rumors of a blocked trade.

Linus Ullmark responds to rumors of a blocked trade.

The Boston Bruins goaltender faced questions about a rumored blocked trade at the deadline.

Jonathan Larivee

The Boston Bruins had a pretty quiet trade deadline day on Friday and there has been a rumor floating around suggesting that goaltender Linus Ullmark may have been one of the major reasons for that.

Rumor has it that Ullmark blocked a significant trade, exercising his right with his 16 team no trade list, and that in turn may have severely handicapped the Bruins' ability to make moves and may have even caused other moves that were contingent on an Ullmark trade to fall apart.

On Saturday, the Bruins netminder was asked directly about those rumors and, although he did not give a direct answer to the question, Ullmark made his feelings on the matter very clear.

"I’m just very happy to be here," said Ullmark when asked if he had blocked a trade. "This is the team I want to be on."

Ullmark also took the time to express how grateful he was for the support of his teammates during what was no doubt a difficult time for the goaltender, specifically singling out his goaltending partner Jeremy Swayman.

"I got emotional when Swayman said all these nice things to me at the end of the game today," admitted Ullmark. "It’s tough to talk about, but I’m so gosh darn happy."

Given how emotional this has been for Ullmark, one does have to wonder how this could impact the relationship between player and team moving forward.