Jonathan Toews announces he will not play in 2023-24
Zuma Press  

Jonathan Toews announces he will not play in 2023-24

He's taking another season off!



UPDATE: Toews has clarified his statement, announcing that he's not exactly retiring but that he's "taking time away from the game" and will not play the 2023-24 season. He specifies though that he's NOT retiring. At least, not yet.

Check it out:

I’d like to announce that I am not fully retiring, but I am taking time away from the game again this season. I cannot deny my love for the game of hockey and still feel the passion for competing at my highest level.

However, these last few seasons have been very difficult considering my health challenges. My focus is to give myself the time and space to fully heal and enjoy life to the fullest once again. Along the way I have met several people who have struggled with health issues pertaining to long COVID, chronic immune response syndrome, and other similar cases that are quite complex. I now recognize the importance of one day sharing the details of my health journey with you all.

Thank you to all of you who have supported me and respected my privacy in the process.

- Jonathan Toews

Read below for our earlier report on this developing story.

This just in, longtime Chicago Blackhawks captain Jonathan Toews has released a heartfelt statement to his fans and to the entire Blackhawks organization.

Check it out:

It’s hard to find words to describe the 16-year journey that has made this city my home.

Aside from the 3 Stanley Cups, the parades, and the countless memories made with my teammates, what is still most special to me was feeling a true connection to the people of this city.

To Blackhawks fans, it was surreal to witness and be a part of the revival of hockey in Chicago. There was nothing like the roar of the Madhouse when we scored a big goal to tie it or win it late in a game. As players, we tried to reciprocate that heart and soul energy we felt from you. I honestly believe it’s what made us so tough to beat in the later games of a playoff series. You are the best fans in the world, and I’m so thankful we shared so many special moments together.

To the Blackhawks Organization, the late Rocky, Danny and the Wirtz family, all of my coaches, GM’s, athletic and equipment trainers, strength coaches, scouting staff and all those that put it all together. It is not lost on me that all the work you do behind the scenes leads to all of our success on the ice. You showed up every day to help all of us achieve our dreams and for that I am forever grateful.

To my Blackhawks teammates, I consider you all lifelong friends and brothers. We share a bond that’s hard to break. Whether you reach the mountain top or not, we can all agree it’s grinding through the tough moments together that we’ll really miss.

To all of you I say, THANK YOU. You made my time here in Chicago unforgettable.


- Jonathan Toews

So... is he retiring?

That sounds an awful lot like a retirement statement to me, but it's missing the actual word 'retire' in it, so I'm not sure.

On the other hand, it could be an indication that Toews has signed a new deal in free agency with a new team? That would make sense as he is essentially saying 'goodbye' to the Blackhawks in his post. Personally, I've wondered this entire offseason if Toews would entertain a homecoming? He's a Winnipeg boy born and raised and I've wondered if the Winnipeg Jets might come calling for some veteran leadership.

Hmmmm.... stay tuned. Further details to come.

Source: Jonathan Toews