Jack Edwards has fans extremely worried during last night’s game..

Jack Edwards has fans extremely worried during last night’s game..

The Bruins’ commentator was trending for all the wrong reasons…



It is no secret that longtime Boston Bruins broadcaster Jack Edwards for NESN has slipped in recent years. Already this preseason, Edwards has been heavily criticized for the steep decline of his broadcasting, but it reached another level on Tuesday night as Edwards called the Bruins’ game against the Washington Capitals.

Fans started to get worried about Edwards’ state as he was noticeably slurring his words and saying nonsense. On social media, the Bruins’ broadcaster was trending as people wonder if he was suffering a stroke or if he was drunk.

Honestly… something just doesn’t sound right with Edwards. And I get why fans, even the ones that don’t like him, are worried about him…

Edwards’ laboured delivery has many wondering if he could be dealing or recovering from a stroke.

I sincerely hope that everything is alright with Edwards. I hope there is nothing wrong with, but that would only mean, he is no longer good at his job. Whatever may be happening, this might be something the Bruins and / or NESN needs to address…

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