Faux pas by Connor McDavid a day prior to Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final

Faux pas by Connor McDavid a day prior to Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final

It happened on Media Day on Friday:

Chris Gosselin

There was a lot happening for both the Edmonton Oilers and the Panthers in Florida on Friday afternoon, despite the Stanley Cup Final kicking off tomorrow night. Both teams and their star players have to balance media day obligations with preparing for the first contest of the series, and let’s just say some players are better than others in those responsibilities.

That’s not the case for Oilers captain Connor McDavid, who got some blunt criticism from fans when he showed up at the podium on Media Day. When he got settled at the table to answer questions from reporters after the Oilers had practice on ice, McDavid let out a:

“I’m excited to get the madness over with.”

It did not take long on social media following his statement. Fans got upset with the fact that McDavid sounds like a crybaby when, let’s say, a guy like Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins would love to be in his spot and would take the time to answer all the questions despite the amount of people lining up in the scrum.

McDavid was however seen laughing amidst his answers during the questions, looking to have lighten up on the podium, as it was shown in a video by Patrick Friolet of RDS, a sports TV station in Montreal. 

The guy has a lot of pressure on his shoulders, with some pundits claiming that his legacy in his play if the Oilers do not win the Stanley Cup. McDavid himself said it at the start of the season, it’s Cup or Bust. And many maintain that if, years from now, McDavid wants his name to be out there with the legendary Hall of Famers, he needs to start winning Stanley Cups.

Maybe I get why McDavid just wants to remain on the ice and be done with the madness after all.