Evgeny Kuznetsov suspended by NHL Player Safety  

Evgeny Kuznetsov suspended by NHL Player Safety

Kuznetsov pays for last night's absolutely brutal stick swinging incident.



UPDATE: As predicted Evgeny Kuznetsov has been suspended one game for high sticking Vancouver Canucks defenseman Kyle Burroughs.

Read below for our earlier report on this incident.

In case you missed it last night, the Vancouver Canucks managed to drop a lead for the third consecutive game, losing 6-4 to the Washington Capitals, despite having a 4-2 lead going into the third period. The Canucks allowed four straight goals in a brutal third period and are now the first team in NHL history to lose its first three games of the season while holding a lead in each game. This team just can't close out games and it has cost them what should have been three surefire wins. I know it's incredibly early in the season, but something's got to give in Vancouver.

During the course of that game, Capitals forward Evgeny Kuznetsov earned himself a chat with NHL Player Safety after an absolutely boneheaded, brutal high sticking incident while tied up with Canucks defender Kyle Burroughs. With both players jockeying for position on a loose puck behind the Canucks net Kuznetsov intentionally swings his stick at Burroughs, striking him directly in the mouth. Burroughs went down hard, but left the ice on his own, got stitched up and resumed his spot in the team's lineup. As for Kuznetsov, well... he likely earned himself a suspension as a result.

Here's the play in question:

Hard to imagine that Kuznetsov gets off with just a fine in this case. This is clearly a case of something behaving recklessly and using their stick as a weapon. There's no place for that kind of BS in hockey and I suspect that Kuznetsov will sit for at least one game, maybe two, maybe even three games as a result. If I were a betting man, I'd place it at a single game suspension, however. After all, Burroughs doesn't appear to have any damage that will keep him out of action. I imagine that if Kuznetsov broke Burroughs' nose or jaw though that his suspension could be a lengthy one. Kuznetsov has been suspended by the league before, but it was for illicit drug (cocaine) use, not for an on-ice infraction. It remains to be seen if that will factor into the league's decision, but I suspect not.

Source: NHL Player Safety