Enforcer Chris “Knuckles” Nilan sends warning to Matt Rempe.

Enforcer Chris “Knuckles” Nilan sends warning to Matt Rempe.

Former NHL enforcer Chris “Knuckles” Nilan had some words for the New York Rangers' rookie enforcer.

Jonathan Larivee

A former New York Ranger has expressed some concerns about the long term well being of Rangers rookie enforcer Matt Rempe.

Former National Hockey League enforcer Chris "Knuckles" Nilan has been plying his craft in the podcast world as of late, and recently he commented on one of the biggest stories going in the NHL right now, both literally and figuratively, and that is of course the story surrounding Rempe's immediate impact at the NHL level.

As a former NHL enforcer, Nilan clearly admires Rempe's toughness and willingness to engage, but he would also go on to express serious concerns about the amount of damage Rempe opens himself to when engaged with other combatants.

"This kid, I love his willingness and all that stuff, but he has bad technique," said Nilan. "He leaves himself wide open and he's going to get hurt again."

Nilan would continue and was adamant that Rempe is in desperate need of someone that will teach him how to better defend himself.

"I don't know if anybody is working with him... but he needs some help," said Nilan. "It's great to be willing but if you're seeing Tweety Birds out there every fight that's not a good thing."

Nilan is in no way trying to discourage Rempe from engaging in the fisticuffs that have helped him quickly establish himself as a name in the NHL, but is instead trying to guide him towards a career path that will hopefully be more sustainable than the one he is currently on.