Calgary Flames to challenge Rasmus Andersson's suspension.

Calgary Flames to challenge Rasmus Andersson's suspension.

The Calgary Flames were not happy with today's announcement and they plan to challenge it.

Jonathan Larivee

The National Hockey League issued a huge suspension on Saturday when its Department of Player Safety announced that Calgary Flames defenseman Rasmus Andersson would be suspended for 4 games. The suspension stemmed from a dangerous hit that Andersson delivered to Columbus Blue Jackets forward Patrik Laine, a hit that was even decried by former NHL defenseman Kevin Bieksa

The NHL was quite adamant in their ruling that the hit was not only avoidable, there was no time left on the game clock, but also that Andersson had acted recklessly by launching himself upwards into the head of Laine which caused injury to the Blue Jackets forward. It did not seem as though there was much room for negotiation in the NHL's ruling, but in spite of that it now sounds like the Flames intend to fight the decision.

Calgary Flames insider Eric Francis reported on Saturday night that the Flames will attempt to appeal the 4 game suspension to Andersson.

To be perfectly honest I don't see on what grounds the Flames could do so, given that Andersson did launch himself at Laine's head and even appeared to make contract to the head with his elbow. Add to that the fact that this hit was delivered as the final horn sounded at the end of the game, with the score out of reach, and you're left hard pressed to find an argument that would result in leniency for Andersson.

Perhaps we will learn more about the reason for the Flames' appeal in the coming days.