Breaking: Senators fire DJ Smith and name his replacement!

Breaking: Senators fire DJ Smith and name his replacement!

The Senators have fired their head coach after a series of failures to deliver on the ice.

Jonathan Larivee

The Ottawa Senators have finally done it.

In spite of the fact that many were shocked that Ottawa Senators head coach DJ Smith had not been fired, the Senators had managed to remain firm and stand behind their head coach... at least until now.

In an official statement released by the Senators on Monday, the team has confirmed that head coach DJ Smith has been relieved of his duties effective immediately.

According to that same announcement the Senators will now have veteran National Hockey League head coach Jacques Martin take over in the interim, and furthermore he will be joined by legendary former Senators forward Daniel Alfredsson behind the bench.

This is new owner Michael Andlauer's first chance to reshape his coaching staff, and it would appear that he has already put a great deal of thought into this decision.

Smith tried to keep practice loose and fun this morning for his team, but it seems that the Senators brass had seen enough.