Zdeno Chara returns to New York and defies father time.
Joel Auerbach/Getty  

Zdeno Chara returns to New York and defies father time.

The former National Hockey League defenseman was back in New York on Sunday and showing that he hasn't slowed down one bit.

Jonathan Larivee

Former National Hockey League defenseman Zdeno Chara may have retired from his career as a professional hockey player, but if you were under the impression that this has slowed the big man down you would be sorely mistaken.

Chara has not only been keeping himself in great physical condition but the towering defenseman has transferred his athletic life from the ice to the pavement. Chara has begun training and even competing in marathon events around the United States. This past April, Chara returned to the home of the Boston Bruins to compete in the Boston Marathon and on Sunday he entered his second marathon of the year when he joined the New York City Marathon.

It would appear as though Chara's foray into the world of marathons is going to prove to be a successful one, with the former NHL blueliner looking like he's already making positive strides in that arena. Chara's time over the weekend improved considerably when compared to his time in Boston just a few short months ago, a sign of his potential progress in a short span of time.

Chara recorded a time of 3:38:23 back in April and he cut that down to just 3:19:19 today in New York City, several minutes worth of improvements.