Trevor Zegras gets called out in brutal fashion by Coyotes’ Antoine Roussel!

Trevor Zegras gets called out in brutal fashion by Coyotes’ Antoine Roussel!

Zegras becomes the new NHL crybaby after Crosby???



Friday night’s matchup between the Anaheim Ducks and Arizona Coyotes got ugly when forward Jay Beagle cross-checked young sensation Trevor Zegras.

It got nastier when Zegras’ teammate Troy Terry, the Ducks’ leading scorer, jumped in and grabbed Beagle, who dropped his gloves and started swinging. The Coyotes were down 5-0 at that time.

The ugliest of it all: Terry’s face after the fight. Terry never dropped his gloves, and Beagle appeared to continue swinging once he was already down on the ice.

Trevor Zegras gets called out in brutal fashion by Coyotes’ Antoine Roussel!

After the game, Zegras called out Beagle, who does not have the reputation of a goon or even an enforcer:

“I think he should be embarrassed. I’m not gonna comment any further... […] I’m not gonna say his name, and I think the league should step in here… I get you’re gonna hit me in the back but you don’t punch a guy when he’s down. Especially a 32 goal scorer in the NHL — a superstar.

“I think it’s embarrassing. I think it’s a bad look for the league and for the player that did it, it’s humiliating and I think he should be f****** punished.”

His comments got to the ears of Beagle’s teammate Antoine Roussel of the Coyotes, who destroyed Zegras by calling him a crybaby in French on the air of TVA Sports on Monday. This is a part of his attack towards Zegras, translated from French, in which he blames Zegras himself for Terry’s injuries.

“This is the reaction of a whiny little guy who is not able to take responsibility. His buddy got a bloody beating because of it, he caused that.

“When you complain in postgame comments, it means that you think you’re better than everyone else and want a superstar treatment. When you have 17 goals in the NHL, let’s just say it’s nothing incredible. There are at least 150 guys out there in the league who have 150 goals. […] You’ve got plenty of 17-goal scorers, so in my opinion, you don’t have the right to the all-star treatment and that’s what he’s asking for.”

No mercy there. Looks like Roussel is saying Zegras is a crybaby. Fans often called Pittsburgh Penguins captain Sidney Crosby a crybaby for complaining to the officials, but now, this is a step up : complaining to reporters! 

The NHL Department of Player Safety did not fine or suspend Beagle for his actions.

The Ducks will not face the Coyotes again in 2021-22 and tension might have a chance to cool until the next meeting between Roussel-Beagle and Zegras-Terry. But who knows… Roussel made the comments four days after the incident and you could tell he was still piss at the young player’s attitude.

Source: TVA Sports