Terrible look for NHL amidst London police’s latest step in 2018 WJC investigation

Terrible look for NHL amidst London police’s latest step in 2018 WJC investigation

What a stupid move by Bettman and company…



That’s the NHL being the NHL. On Wednesday morning, the Globe and Mail reported that five former players from the 2018 world junior hockey team have been told to surrender to London, Ont., police to face charges of sexual assault. The Globe reports the players, who have not been charged yet and remain anonymous, have been given a set period of time to present themselves at London police headquarters. Two sources have provided the information to the Globe and Mail.

What does the NHL do with this important update in the investigation. Nothing! Worse than nothing, it shifts the attention to some bogus expansion news when we all know NHL commissioner Gary Bettman has no intention at the moment to grow his league.

As soon as the Globe and Mail came out with the latest step in the ongoing 2018 sexual assault scandal in London, Ontario, the NHL came out with news that Smith Entertainment Group — owners of the Utah Jazz in the NBA - has asked the NHL to “initiate an expansion process” to bring a team to the state.

Sure, I do not doubt that Utah has interest in getting a team, but the timing of the release is just awful in the wake of the latest update on the 2018 World Junior investigation.

Bettman, NHL fans aren’t stupid and saw right through your little move. When asked to comment on the 2018 World Junior investigation, many insiders were told that the NHL would not comment, but sure, they will get a statement on the expansion news:

What a terrible look for the league… but are you even surprised?

UPDATE: The NHLPA has, according to Pierre LeBrun, chosen not to comment as well.

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