Sportsnet targeted by hack on Day 1 of Stanley Cup Final.
Fred Lum/Globe and Mail  

Sportsnet targeted by hack on Day 1 of Stanley Cup Final.

One of the largest sports broadcasters in Canada has been compromised on Day 1 of the Stanley Cup Final.

Jonathan Larivee

A little bit of a public service announcement here for our Canadian readers.

It appears as though one of the largest sports broadcasters in Canada has been hacked on Day 1 of the Stanley Cup Final, and I would advise you to refrain from clicking on any links you may see being shared by a Sportsnet account on social media platform "X".

Although the main account is attempting to claim that it has not been hacked and that it is not sharing bogus links (they are), Sportsnet's public relations department has been able to confirm that they are indeed currently the victims of a hack.

"Please be advised that our main @Sportsnet account on X has been compromised and we are currently working to recover it. In the meantime it is unsafe to click any links or engage with any posts from the account," wrote Sportsnet PR in a statement.

Obviously this could not have come at a worse time for Sportsnet with the biggest series of the season set to kick off later today, and you have to wonder if the hackers deliberately chose to target the account today knowing full well that there would be increased traffic in light of the Stanley Cup Final later tonight.

As you can clearly see in the screenshot below, this is not the typical behavior we can expect from this account:

Sportsnet targeted by hack on Day 1 of Stanley Cup Final.

Again, please be advised that clicking on any links from Sportsnet until further notice could put your devices at risk.

Update: Things appear to be back to normal.