 Seth Jarvis publicly roasts the veterans on his own team.

Seth Jarvis publicly roasts the veterans on his own team.

Seth Jarvis has no chill and he showcased that fact on Saturday night with a brutal roast of his own teammates.

Jonathan Larivee

Seth Jarvis has no chill.

The Carolina Hurricanes picked up a big win on Saturday night, picking up 2 wins on their Canadian road trip over the course of just 3 days. The positive energy in the Hurricanes locker room was palpable following the game and following the game Hurricanes forward Seth Jarvis took his fair share of credit for the vibe in the room.

While the young centerman boasted about the fact that he was generally relied upon to bring the energy into the room, he also used the opportunity to completely, and rather publicly, roast some of the veteran players in the Hurricanes locker room as well.

"I got a lot of built up energy," admitted Jarvis with a smile. "We got a lot of old people on this team so I feel like they need my help."

"It's fun to kind of get everyone going, I think everyone depends on me to lighten the mood," he added.

Jarvis also admitted that some of that energy doesn't always rub the older veterans the right way, something that comes as no surprise given the comments he had just made.

"I have trouble being serious sometimes which I think some of the older guys don't like," admitted Jarvis.

It was a hilarious interview on the part of the young forward, but something tells me the "old people" on the Hurricanes roster may have some payback in store for Jarvis once they catch wind of this interview.