Ryan Reynolds announces on The Tonight Show that he's buying the Senators
The Tonight Show  

Ryan Reynolds announces on The Tonight Show that he's buying the Senators

Imagine having Deadpool as your boss!



Last week there were multiple reports indicating that the Ottawa Senators could be on the market.

Anna and Olivia Melnyk, daughters of former longtime Sens owner Eugene Melnyk who passed away suddenly in March, are currently operating the team with assistance from the NHL and reportedly would like to see to a buyer who will commit to keeping the team in Ottawa and building a new arena. And who better than Deadpool?

In all seriousness, Hollywood superstar Ryan Reynolds, famous from the Deadpool movie franchise among other blockbuster features, has been rumored to be interested in purchasing the Sens. Reynolds had remained mostly tight-lipped on the rumors but last night on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, the Canadian-born actor informed the world that he is indeed trying to purchase the team with other interested investors.

From The Tonight Show:

"I am trying to do that, but it's very expensive. I need a partner with very deep pockets. It's called a consortium when you bring a group together to buy an entity, which is just a fancy way of saying that I need a sugar mommy or sugar daddy. And if that doesn't work out, I can just buy a U.S. Senator which anyone can afford. I love Ottawa. I grew up in Vancouver which has my heart always, but I grew up a bit in Ottawa too in the Vanier part of town.

- Ryan Reynolds

I say, "Why not?" 

Let's inject some personality into this league a little more when it comes to ownership. To many casual hockey fans, the Sens are seen as a fairly bland franchise from a place on the map that they can't even picture. But if they were owned by the guy who played 'Van Wilder' well... that's something.

In all seriousness though, a Canadian owner with ties to the city of Ottawa and one who has the ability to charm the media would be a serious turn about for the Sens after years under Eugene Melnyk. I don't dare speak ill of the dead, but it's not exactly a secret that Melnyk was not well-liked amongst the team's fanbase. The shift from Melnyk to Reynolds could be seismic for the franchise.

Source: The Tonight Show