Ryan Reaves asks for stronger smelling salts, immediately regrets it.

Ryan Reaves asks for stronger smelling salts, immediately regrets it.

Ryan Reaves asked the Minnesota Wild's training staff for some stronger stuff and they delivered big time.

Jonathan Larivee

A true case of be careful what you wish for.

On Saturday, the Minnesota Wild and Wild enforcer Ryan Reaves took on the Chicago Blackhawks and it turned out to be quite an eventful game for the big man. Not only did Reaves pick up a goal during the course of the game, but he also had a highlight worthy moment while he was on the bench courtesy of the Wild's training staff.

During the game Reaves was using smelling salts, as players in the National Hockey League often do, but the stuff he was using it seems wasn't strong enough for his liking. Reaves signaled that he wanted something stronger, a decision that he would quickly regret.

The Wild training staff delivered exactly what Reaves asked for, and his reaction is priceless.