Pastrnak drops Lundell with a sucker punch in Game 4.

Pastrnak drops Lundell with a sucker punch in Game 4.

Boston Bruins star forward David Pastrnak gives the Florida Panthers a taste of revenge.

Jonathan Larivee

The Boston Bruins are out for blood in Game 4.

Things got rough early, just seconds into the game in fact, with Bruins defenseman Charlie McAvoy setting the tone early with a huge open ice hit on Florida Panthers Sam Bennett.

A big hit like that could occur during the normal course of play but what you definitely don't normally see is Bruins star forward David Pastrnak throwing punches at an unsuspecting player's face.

That's exactly what Pastrnak did just minutes into the game when he threw two sucker punches into the face of an entirely unsuspecting Anton Lundell who quickly fell to the ice while clutching at his face.

This game is getting nasty early and I don't see that changing anytime soon.