Mark Borowiecki destroys Liam O'Brien in seconds.

Mark Borowiecki destroys Liam O'Brien in seconds.

A bad showing from O'Brien.

Jonathan Larivee

Arizona Coyotes forward Liam O'Brien picked the wrong guy on the wrong night.

O'Brien and the Coyotes faced off against the Nashville Predators on Saturday night and fans who were hoping for some excitement in this one did not have to wait very long. Not only did the Predators score in the opening minute of the game's very first period, but we also got our first fight of the game before less than a minute had expired on the game clock.

The fight occurred on the faceoff at center ice that immediately followed the goal from the Preds, and it featured the aforementioned O'Brien taking on Nashville Predators forward Mark Borowiecki. This one was clearly premeditated, or at the very least was discussed while the two men were standing in the faceoff circle, given the fact that the gloves came off almost immediately after the puck had been dropped.

Unfortunately for O'Brien this wasn't much of a fight at all on his part as Borowiecki immediately got the advantage and appeared to have the Coyotes center rocked after his the very first punch of the exchange. As the two men tied up with one another, Borowiecki caught O'Brien with a thunderous left hand that knocked O'Brien's helmet right off of his head.

With the Coyotes forward having his head exposed Borowiecki looked to capitalize by throwing several more left hands in quick succession, but only one of those appeared to connect as O'Brien was already on his way down to the ice. Much to his credit O'Brien managed to quickly get back up to his feet after getting rocked by those punches, but unfortunately for him the fight was already over at that point and the National Hockey League's officials stepped in to break it up.

Strangely enough Borowiecki seemed to be somewhat unhappy with his effort as he entered the penalty box, slamming his helmet down onto the ground as he did so. It's unclear what set Borowiecki off, it may be that he hurt his hand during the exchange although admittedly that is purely speculation on my part at this time.

Here's the replay: