Kraken fans troll Canucks with hilarious chant
Zuma Press  

Kraken fans troll Canucks with hilarious chant

Oof... talk about kicking a team while they're down.



The only thing that Vancouver Canucks fans could hold onto slipped out of their hands last night... their undefeated streak against their geographical rival Seattle Kraken. Up until last night the Canucks had not dropped a decision to the Kraken since their introduction into the league... and then... well... the Canucks laid an egg.

Playing under new head coach Rick Tocchet, the Canucks put up a brutal effort in Seattle's Climate Pledge Arena, losing 6-1 to the Kraken. Tocchet threw his new team under the bus a bit, calling them 'soft'.

“You hate to call your team soft, but it was soft tonight,” Tocchet told reporters following the game. “We didn't participate on the wall battles. We didn't get a rim out. We didn't play predictable. Like, old habits came. We're just talking to the coaching staff and, man, I wish I had about 10 practices. I really do, because it shows tonight that we've got a lot of work to do.”

“It's hard for them to stay in good habits with the frustration — I don't like to say it — the anxiety,” Tocchet said of his players. “I don't know what to say. I really don't. The gameplan is there and it's hard to continue to do it. Sometimes when you play a good team like that, it's OK to live for another shift. Just advance the puck. You don't always have to make a home-run play. And we're trying to make home-run play after home-run play, and then it's two, three, four-nothing, and then the game is over.”

And you know who agrees with him? The Kraken faithful at Climate Pledge Arena. 

Check them out trolling Tocchet and the Canucks with a 'Bruce There It Is' chant in honor of former Canucks coach Bruce Boudreau:

Incredible, that's some top notch trolling right there.

What's next? Kraken fans gonna bring back chants for Luongo and Bure too? 

In all seriousness, it's somewhat satisfying to see the Canucks dragged through the mud a bit this season as their front office and management staff refuse to get their act in order.  

Source: Ryan Clark