Jordan Binnington takes another cheap shot at a player.
Zuma Press  

Jordan Binnington takes another cheap shot at a player.

St. Louis Blues goaltender Jordan Binnington continues to physically get involved in games.

Jonathan Larivee

St. Louis Blues goaltender Jordan Binnington is at it again.

Binnington has earned a bit of a reputation for being perhaps the most hot-headed goaltender in the entire National Hockey League, so much so that he has been involved in multiple physical altercations in recent years. That isn't very common among goaltenders, but Binnington has made it clear he is not your typical goaltender.

On Saturday night it was Nashville Predators forward Luke Evangelista who was on the wrong end of Binnington's antics when Binnington caught him in the face with the butt of his stick.

There is a case to be made here that this may have been accidental, with Binnington potentially moving to tap his posts rather than Evangelista's face but, unfortunately for the Blues goaltender, Binnington's reputation means that there will be a significant number of fans who won't be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Do you think it was intentional? Or merely a fluke? Here's a look at the replay: