Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend
Jaromir Jagr  

Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend

Jagr is a God amongst men. Just... wow....



Jaromir Jagr is my hero.

Not only for his on-ice accomplishments, but for his off-ice accomplishments now, as well.

Here's a guy who is still playing professional hockey at 51 years old, but even more impressive is the fact that he's dating 28 year old models, as well.

Check out this photo that Jags shared today of him and his girlfriend Dominika Branisova earlier today:

Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend

Dang... what's the secret, Jags?

I have exactly zero NHL games on my resume, so I guess things like this are out of reach for me?

Anyways, enough of my daydreaming... I know what you're here for so here are more shots of Ms. Branisova:

Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend
Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend
Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend
Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend
Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend
Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend
Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend
Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend
Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend
Jagr shares photo of himself and his 28 year old swimsuit model girlfriend

We are NOT worthy!

Source: Jaromir Jagr