Iginla: “Yes. It was in.”
Keystone Press  

Iginla: “Yes. It was in.”

Iginla says what many in Calgary have felt for years.

Jonathan Larivee

Jarome Iginla is no longer playing in the National Hockey League and on top of that he is on the verge of being cemented as an all-time great in the Hockey Hall of Fame. It is perhaps because of the security he now has as a legend of the sport that Iginla feels comfortable talking about arguably the most controversial moment of his career.

In spite of being one of the most well respected players to ever set foot on a sheet of ice in the National Hockey League, Iginla never managed to capture hockey's ultimate prize. The Stanley Cup eluded him throughout his entire career, although there are some who would argue that Iginla and his Flames should have been crowned as champions all the way back in 2004.

Iginla was asked about that very moment over the weekend and gave a response that I think will come as a massive relief to the Calgary Flames fan base. 

"Yes. It was in," said Iginla when asked about the now infamous moment in the 2004 Stanley Cup Final.

That's because for years now many long time fans of the Calgary Flames have argued that the Flames were robbed of the Stanley Cup in 2004 when a shot from Flames forward Martin Gelinas appeared to cross the goal line. At the time the NHL did not review the play and as a result the Flames were robbed of a chance to win a Stanley Cup on home ice, Iginla was robbed of the Conn Smythe that many felt was his to win, and the rest is history.

Of course there were over 6 minutes remaining on the game clock in the 3rd period, so even if the goal had counted there is really no way of definitively knowing who would have emerged victorious in that game. Nonetheless I suspect fans will be relieved to hear someone that actually played in that game, especially a figure as well respected as Iginla, say what they've all been thinking for years.