Don Cherry sends a special message to Canadians on Saturday.
Chris Wattie/Reuters  

Don Cherry sends a special message to Canadians on Saturday.

Don Cherry continues to hold true to his values, and he displayed that once again on Saturday.

Jonathan Larivee

Veteran voice of the National Hockey League Don Cherry had a special message to share with his Canadian followers on Saturday, and it is one that holds true to the man's values.

As many of you reading this will already know, the Warriors' Day Parade is an over 100 year old tradition that has been held annually in Canada, one in which veterans and members of the Canadian Armed Forces are recognized for the sacrifices they have made for their country.

In a nod to those same veterans Cherry sent out a special message on Saturday, one in which he urged his fellow Canadians to not forget the sacrifices of those that have long since passed on. Specifically, Cherry Tweeted out a photograph of himself standing before the Vimy memorial in France. The monument pays tribute to all of the Canadian soldiers who died in France during World War 1. There are 11,285 names inscribed on that memorial.

"In honour of the Warrior Day Parade in Toronto. Remember Vimy," wrote Cherry on social media.

Truly a great show of class from a man who has always gone out of his way to tip his hat to the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces.