Don Cherry issues a statement on the trucker convoy headed to Ottawa.
Chris Wattie  

Don Cherry issues a statement on the trucker convoy headed to Ottawa.

Cherry comments on another controversial issue.

Jonathan Larivee

Legendary Canadian hockey analyst Don Cherry no longer is a fixture of National Hockey League broadcasts the way he was just a few short years ago, and as we all know that stems from the fact that he issued statements on a politically charged topic that were deemed to be controversial. If you thought that would do anything to cause Cherry to shy away from such topics in the future, he dispelled that notion this week when he once again touched on a politically charged issue, perhaps one of the biggest in the country of Canada at the moment.

On Friday, Cherry issued a statement on the trucker convoy that is currently making its way to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise given that Cherry himself was born in Ontario. Cherry left no doubt that he stands firmly behind those protesting against government mandates in the country, putting his full support behind those participating in the movement.

"I am 100% behind the truckers," said Cherry as per the Toronto Sun. "They are salt of the earth and the heartbeat of the country."

Interestingly enough Cherry also revealed that he has been fully vaccinated, so his position on this matter is not something that comes from a desire to avoid being vaccinated. Instead, Cherry stated that his support for the convoy comes from his belief that every Canadian should have the right to make their own choices.

"It should always be a person’s own choice," added the former NHL head coach. "I have had three shots but it was my own decision. I did not tell anybody else what they should do and would never tell anybody what they should do. It’s up to them."

Cherry has always had a tremendous amount of respect for the men and women who fight in the Canadian Armed Forces and it seems that this has, at least partly, influenced him on this matter as well.

"Freedom of speech or choice, or how to vote, is why all of those soldiers died in wars,” said Cherry.

It wasn't just those driving to Ottawa that earned Cherry's admiration however, he also took the time to give a shout out to the Canadians who have supported the convoy by standing out in the freezing cold to cheer on the truckers as they make their journey.

"I am also impressed with all of the people out cheering on the highways and bridges," added Cherry. "They are out there offering lunches and pats on the back all across the country. It’s amazing. I mean that’s not easy. It’s -20C out there. And yet they are there to let the truckers know they are with them."

The movement has made headlines around the world and as a result many truckers from the United States of America have made the journey up north to join the Canadian convoy. Convoys have also sprouted up in other countries around the world as well, including Italy and Australia.

Many, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, have been critical of the convoy making its way to Ottawa so Cherry is once again taking a risk here by speaking out. Given that he has already been removed from the NHL broadcast however I would suspect that he isn't particularly concerned about the backlash he may face over these comments.