Doc Emrick's Rick Jeanneret story moves Martin Biron to tears.

Doc Emrick's Rick Jeanneret story moves Martin Biron to tears.

Legendary voice of hockey Doc Emrick pays tribute to Rick Jeanneret as only he could.

Jonathan Larivee

There have been plenty of tears shed over the passing of legendary voice of the Buffalo Sabres Rick Jeanneret and there will be countless more still to come, of that I have no doubt.

There is perhaps no one though who has moved me more on this particular topic than another legend of the National Hockey League's broadcast booths, that being Mike "Doc" Emrick. Emrick has always had an incredible talent for painting a picture in the mind of the listener and he did so again when talking about his long time friend and former broadcaster colleague, Rick Jeanneret.

Emrick was a guest on "Sabres Live" and at the end of the interview he asked if he could have half a minute, half a minute that he used to move everyone within earshot to tears. Emrick would tell perhaps the most beautiful story you will hear about Rick Jeanneret following his passing, and the expression on the faces on both Brian Duff and Martin Biron tell the entire story.

I won't repeat Emrick's story here, I could never hope to do it justice, instead I can only recommend that you listen to the man yourself: