A gruesome-looking Mike Hoffman slams NHL Player Safety.
Stu Cowan/Twitter  

A gruesome-looking Mike Hoffman slams NHL Player Safety.

Mike Hoffman, sporting a nasty looking injury, goes off on the lack of consistency from NHL Player Safety.

Jonathan Larivee

Montreal Canadiens veteran forward Mike Hoffman is not at all pleased with senior vice president of player safety George Parros and his National Hockey League's Department of Player Safety.

This week, Hoffman was on the receiving end of a crosscheck to the face courtesy of Boston Bruins forward A.J. Greer, a crosscheck that did significant damage to Hoffman's face. As per the Canadiens forward, he needed a whopping 15 stitches to repair the damage done to the  exterior of his face and an additional 10 to 15 stitches on the inside of his mouth to repair the damage that had been done there.

Hoffman also once again called into question the decision making of Parros and the Department of Player Safety, decision making that resulted in only a 1 game suspension for Greer after an illegal blow that had left Hoffman with such a significant injury.

This mimics comments Hoffman made on his Instagram, where he once again sounded off on Parros and the Department of Player Safety.

"I've gotten a 2 game suspension for cross-checking a guy in the back of the helmet, but a full blown intentional crosscheck to the face, one game.... hmmm?" questioned Hoffman on Instagram.

It's clear the Canadiens forward isn't happy with the outcome and given the gruesome looking injury he suffered I can hardly blame the man. The question now though is this, has the NHL's Department of Player Safety increased the likelihood of retaliation from Hoffman by, from at least Hoffman's point of view, not punishing Greer severely enough?