Must See: Father draws amazing hockey artwork on his kids lunchbags!

Must See: Father draws amazing hockey artwork on his kids lunchbags!

Parents have a tendency to leave little notes or a helpful reminder in their kids lunches from time to time. However, what this surefire “Dad of the Year” candidate does to his kids lunchbags will amaze you. Redditor, daleberto turns his kids brown b



Parents have a tendency to leave little notes or a helpful reminder in their kids lunches from time to time. However, what this surefire "Dad of the Year" candidate does to his kids lunchbags will amaze you. Redditor, daleberto turns his kids brown bag lunches into incredible works of art. First of all, this dad deserves credit for still using brown bags at all let alone making insane hockey art on them. Every weekday morning he posts the newest bag online and some of these are just incredible. His kids must have all their classmates green with envy. What a cool dad.