Update: Mark Borowiecki carried out on a stretcher.

Update: Mark Borowiecki carried out on a stretcher.

Mark Borowiecki involved in a scary incident on Saturday night.

Jonathan Larivee

There was a very scary incident in the National Hockey League on Saturday night, one that involved veteran NHL defenseman Mark Borowiecki.

Borowiecki appeared to suffer a serious injury when he took an awkward hit from Philadelphia Flyers forward Morgan Frost. The two men were behind the Nashville Predators net and Frost moved in to deliver the hit as Borowiecki appeared to stumble forward and lose his balance, causing Frost to hit Borowiecki in the head and subsequently pinning Borowiecki's head between the boards and the momentum from the hit. It was an ugly impact and one that left Borowiecki in some real trouble.

The veteran defenseman appeared to lose consciousness almost instantly upon impact, crumbling into a heap on the ground laying there for several long moments. It was a very scary scene. one that caused trainers from both teams to rush out onto the ice before eventually signalling for medical assistance. The stretcher was quickly brought out for Borowiecki and he was eventually loaded onto the stretcher and carted off the ice.

I'd also like to note that there was a great show of class from the Flyers who all lined up to wish Borowiecki well on his way out of the arena.

Here's the replay:

Obviously things did not look good at the time but Borowiecki did appear to be moving as he was being carted out of the arena, which many including myself took as something of a positive sign.

Thankfully we now have a small update from the Nashville Predators on the status of the injured defenseman, and thankfully it seems to be primarily good news so far. According to the Predators, Borowiecki was transported to hospital but was both conscious and moving when he left the building. Both of these are very good signs, and while they don't necessarily mean Borowiecki is out of the woods yet, hopefully they are signs that he will make a full and speedy recovery.