Two former NHL players linked to the Blackhawks vacant GM position.
Ronald Martinez/Getty Images  

Two former NHL players linked to the Blackhawks vacant GM position.

Will one of these men be the next Blackhawks GM?

Jonathan Larivee

The Chicago Blackhawks have been forced to clean house in the wake of the Brad Aldrich sexual abuse scandal that has rocked the franchise, and among the most high profile figures let go as a result of this mess has been Blackhawks general manager Stan Bowman.

Bowman served as general manager during the organization's 3 most recent Stanley Cup titles and, although he had largely fallen out of favor with the fan base by the time he departed the position, he will be a hard man to replace given the success and the tenure he had as GM of the Blackhawks.

Making the challenge even more difficult for the Blackhawks is the fact that they will be forced to replace Bowman, due to his actions or inaction in the Aldrich situation, in the middle of a regular season. This is almost certainly the hardest time to recruit a new GM due to the fact that most of the candidates are already working for other teams. Add to that the fact that rival teams are less likely to grant permission for their own staff to be interviewed in the middle of a season for the very same reasons, and you've got an uphill climb on your hands if you're the Blackhawks.

In spite of those challenges however it would appear as though there are already two names that have been floated as potential candidates to replace Bowman, both of them former players in the National Hockey League. Those former players are none other than very popular NHL personality Eddie Olczyk and another player turned on-air personality in former NHL goaltender Kevin Weekes.

From the Toronto Sun:

Eddie Olczyk is the favourite to get the head hockey position with the Blackhawks. The reason, aside from knowing the team, the game and the league, is that Olczyk is hugely popular as a television commentator in Chicago. The Blackhawks need to do something to appease an angry fan base. Another good GM candidate: Broadcaster Kevin Weekes … Word is the Hawks are just putting their list of candidates together.

I can certainly see why both men would be a popular choice, but I would question their qualifications for the role. Neither man has worked extensively in an NHL front office since ending their playing careers, and instead have spent that time learning to be broadcast talent on the air, something they have both done successfully.

Regardless of who ends up taking the job I suspect that they will look to replace head coach Jeremy Colliton rather quickly given the team's struggles to start the season. That will no doubt prove to be the first big test for whoever ends up in Bowman's former role.