Special message from Don Cherry on Remembrance Day.
Chris Wattie/Reuters  

Special message from Don Cherry on Remembrance Day.

Legendary hockey voice Don Cherry reminds us all of the importance of November 11th.

Jonathan Larivee

Legendary voice of hockey Don Cherry has become something of a controversial figure later in his life, and the controversy he has become best known for is the one that led to him losing his job at Hockey Night in Canada.

On November 9th of 2019, Cherry took to the airwaves in a pre-recorded segment for Coach's Corner on Hockey Night in Canada where he chastised Canadians who had not purchased a poppy in support of Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day and Veterans Day. Although Cherry's remarks may not have been delivered in the most eloquent fashion, his message was a clear attempt to support veterans on November 11th as he had throughout his career.

While most of you will likely remember the rant that led to Cherry being fired, that rant was also followed by a video in which Cherry's special message on that day cannot possibly be misconstrued as anything other than a deep patriotism and a deep love for fallen heroes of the past.

"We are November 11th, we are in Trelinkin, British cemetery in France," says Cherry as the special feature begins to roll. "On November 11th I want everybody to remember when you're buying a poppy, and you see row after row of our Canadian dead here," he adds walking past row upon row of gravestones in the cemetery.

Cherry also stopped to kneel by the gravestone of Thomas William MacKenzie, a Canadian field artilleryman, who died fighting just 7 days before the end of First World War hostilities. Cherry then goes on to remind everyone of how important it is to support your veterans.

"So when you're walking by and you see our great Legion guys standing there and they offer you a poppy, think of all this, these guys gave their lives... at least you can buy a poppy," adds an emotional Cherry.

4 years later and the importance of that message has not diminished one bit.