Sidney Crosby takes issue and gets physical with Trevor Zegras.

Sidney Crosby takes issue and gets physical with Trevor Zegras.

The Penguins captain was not having it.

Jonathan Larivee

Anaheim Ducks star forward Trevor Zegras has quickly become a rising star in the National Hockey League for his play on the ice, as well as for his somewhat unique displays of personality in an often very vanilla NHL.

Zegras has never shied away from letting his personality shine through when out on the ice and while that has endeared him to many fans, there's no question that it has also rubbed some others the wrong way.

It would appear that Pittsburgh Penguins captain Sidney Crosby may be among the latter group given that he appeared to take personal offense to some of Zegras' antics during a game contested between the Ducks and Penguins on Friday night.

Late in the second period, after the Ducks and Zegras had been whistled for an offside, Zegras either attempted to take a shot after the whistle or merely feigned as though he was going to when he pulled off a little spin-o-rama after the whistle had blown. That was enough for Crosby to intervene however and the veteran Penguins captain skated over to Zegras after his little post-whistle flourish and gave him a clear message with a bump shoulder to shoulder.

Rather unsurprisingly this provoked a response from Zegras who took exception to being pushed around by Crosby, although no doubt many of Zegras' detractors were thrilled to see someone put him in his place, or at least attempt to do so.