Selleck absolutely pummels Horvat, landing a vicious punch to the face as his opponent's head hits the ice
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Selleck absolutely pummels Horvat, landing a vicious punch to the face as his opponent's head hits the ice

He continues to beat on Horvat while defenseless on the ice and refs try to wrestle him away. Dangerous, dangerous fight.



There are an extraordinary number of fights in the American Hockey League - some are little scuffles, others see punches flying left and right.

This one was relatively quick, but featured several vicious punches to the head, including the last one as Ryan Horvat was falling to the ice. This could've been a terrible blow to the young player's career if he didn't get a bit lucky.

Eric Selleck of the Hartford Wolf Pack showed no mercy as he landed several hard punches, ending this fight quickly as the refs were force to rescue the Springfield Thunderbirds player.

Source: Hockey Fights