Rumor: NHL-ready arena development to be announced on Monday.
Anne-Marie Sorvin/USA TODAY Sports  

Rumor: NHL-ready arena development to be announced on Monday.

An announcement regarding an NHL-ready arena development in a major market is rumored to be forthcoming.

Jonathan Larivee

Although the National Hockey League has only just recently added the Seattle Kraken to their ever growing number of member teams and although the NHL finally finds itself balanced with 32 teams across the league, the rumors of NHL expansion continue to persist.

The latest on that front comes to us courtesy of former NHL goaltender turned NHL insider Kevin Weekes, and his report is a spicy one. Weekes is reporting that an arena development project, one large enough to house a hockey team, is set to be announced on Monday.

What makes this report from Weekes even more interesting though is the market involved in this rumor, one that has repeatedly been one of two markets in the United States heavily rumored to be potential NHL destinations. According to Weekes the market in question is that of the state of Georgia, with the city of Atlanta having been a rumored destination for the NHL almost since the moment the Atlanta Thrashers were relocated to Winnipeg.

Weekes even goes to ask "If you build it, will they come ?" clearly hinting at the possibility of NHL expansion here in the future. It's still too early to say anything definitive about this as-of-yet to be announced project, but there's a little smoke here at the very least.

Could this be the location of the next NHL franchise? Hockey fans in Quebec City, Quebec or Houston, Texas might not be too happy at the thought of that possibility.