Ross Colton knocks out Joel Eriksson Ek's teeth.

Ross Colton knocks out Joel Eriksson Ek's teeth.

Minnesota Wild veteran Joel Eriksson Ek is short a few teeth courtesy of the Colorado Avalanche's Ross Colton.

Jonathan Larivee

Hockey is a dangerous and at some times violent sport, and we were treated to an ugly example of that on Friday night when the Minnesota Wild clashed with the Colorado Avalanche.

Barely just one minute into the game's second period, Avalanche forward Ross Colton would lose control of his stick and catch Wild forward Eriksson Ek up high in the face, leaving Eriksson Ek looking like he was hurting from the blow.

The infraction would result in a 4 minute double minor against the Avalanche due to the fact that Eriksson Ek was bleeding as a result of the high stick, but it would cost the Wild forward quite a bit more than that.

During the broadcast of last night's game, the cleanup of Eriksson Ek's teeth on the ice was shown, with the broadcast crew highlighting what they believe to be a pair of teeth, or at least pieces of them on the ice. You can see that in the short clip just below: