Ron MacLean shares huge update on his relationship with Don Cherry!

Ron MacLean shares huge update on his relationship with Don Cherry!

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Hockey fans all remember when the breakup took place. Back in November 2019, after decades of working together, Ron MacLean and Don Cherry had a very public falling out when after the latter threw the former under the bus for his infamous “you people” comment with regards to wearing the symbolic poppy to recognize the sacrifice of soldiers in times of war.

MacLean apologized for Cherry’s comment, while Cherry refused to do so and was subsequently terminated. Ever since, Grapes often mentioned he can’t see a scenario in which he and MacLean can ever be on good terms with one another again.

Until now.

While the two hosts may never work together again, it sounds like they have rekindled their personal relationship in recent months.During an interview with John Shannon on The Bob McCown Podcast on Friday, MacLean revealed that he and Grapes are back on speaking terms. The host of Hockey Night in Canada explained that he reached out in January 2023 to offer Cherry a ride to the funeral of longtime Mississauga, Ont., mayor Hazel McCallion. MacLean got in tough again with Grapes from Florida during the All-Star break with some other members of the HNIC cast and crew. Since, they keep playing a bit of telephone tag from time to time.

“He usually phones back but you know, Don is not big on technology,” MacLean said.

They spoke again on June 1 for the anniversary of the death of Cherry’s wife, Rose. And hockey is still in the mix as they split a pair of season tickets to Toronto Maple Leafs games.

MacLean looked to make sense of their falling apart and always commented on how both men are quite different and cannot always get along. Though he did pick a strange way to explain it:

“I mean, we would sit after a Stanley Cup playoff game in the final years watching Fox News and Trump’s speeches,” MacLean said. “Don loved those, he took great inspiration from the way Trump marketed. I was the other guy. I was what he would describe as the ‘left-wing, pinko communist kook.’

“But we still got along, as opposites do attract.”

So, reunion on the air soon, boys?

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