Roman Josi shares hilarious personal story about Taylor Swift
Nashville Predators  

Roman Josi shares hilarious personal story about Taylor Swift

The two Nashville superstars are next door neighbors!

Trevor Connors

Two of Nashville's biggest stars live mere meters away from each other.

To be fair though, they're not exactly swapping 'hellos' while taking out the trash or having each other over for summer cookouts.

Nashville Predators captain Roman Josi lives next door to pop superstar Taylor Swift and managed to attend one of her shows with wife Ellie Ottoway recently, which is ironic because the couple was recently rejected from one of Swift's house parties. Josi shared with TSN's BarDown blog that he and his wife tried to introduce themselves and get into one of Swift's house parties but they were denied access by security. After hearing about it though, Swift surprised the couple with VIP tickets and a backstage meet and greet following her concert.

It's safe to say now that the neighbors are well acquainted.

Source: Nashville Predators