Report: No sports until “at least” Thanksgiving
Zuma Press  

Report: No sports until “at least” Thanksgiving

Buckle up, hockey fans. We’re in for a long summer.



According to a report from the LA Times, the state of California won’t be lifting COVID-19 restrictions anytime soon.

In fact, Santa Clara County executive officer Dr. Jeffrey Smith, who represents the home of the San Jose Sharks, predicts that no sports will be played in the county until “at least” Thanksgiving.

Check it out:

“There will definitely be individuals who will get sick. And because there are individuals who get sick, there will be individuals who die after the order is released, unless we come up with a foolproof immunization, which is highly unlikely,” said Dr. Jeffrey Smith, Santa Clara County executive officer.
 Smith on Tuesday told that county’s Board of Supervisors that he did not expect there would be “any sports games until at least Thanksgiving, and we’d be lucky to have them by Thanksgiving. This is not something that’s going to be easy to do.”
In fact, it’s unlikely the new coronavirus will be completely eradicated, and the disease could become seasonal, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CBS this week.

Buckle up, hockey fans. We’re in for a long ride.

Source: LA Times