Players vote on the best trash talker in the NHL.
Dirk Shadd/Tampa Bay Times  

Players vote on the best trash talker in the NHL.

Who is the best trash talking player in the National Hockey League? The votes are in!

Jonathan Larivee

One of the best parts of any competitive endeavor is the trash talk that happens along the way. Trash talking isn't for everyone though and that becomes especially evident when someone who is particularly good at running their mouth comes along and puts the rest of the competition to shame.

The National Hockey League is certainly no stranger to trash talk and there are a number of players over the years who have made something of a speciality out of getting under the skin of their opponents. Recently The Athletic polled a number of NHL players regarding the players they feel talk the most trash out on the ice, and with 46 players responding to the poll we have some clear winners.

Here are the results:

Taking first place, to the surprise of absolutely no one, is Boston Bruins forward Brad Marchand. Marchand's name is almost synonymous with trash talk in the NHL at this point and it is no surprise that he dominated the rest of the field, receiving 8 votes from his fellow NHL players.

I must admit I was a little surprised by the runner up on this list, with Rasmus Andersson of the Calgary Flames claiming a very respectable 5 votes from his fellow players. Swedes aren't often known for being particularly confrontational, but it seems Andersson has set out to change the stereotype.

Sharing a piece of second place with 5 votes of his own is Florida Panthers forward Matthew Tkachuk. Tkachuk earned a reputation for getting under the skin of his opponents from the moment he set foot on NHL ice, so it comes as no surprise that he finds himself near the top of this list.

Right behind Tkachuk is one of his most infamous rivals, Los Angeles Kings defenseman Drew Doughty. Doughty has been known as a trash talker in his own right and perhaps that is why he and Tkachuk clashed so furiously when Tkachuk first arrived in the NHL, but in this poll Tkachuk beats him out by a single vote with Doughty receiving 4 votes from his fellow players.

We have another tie to round out the top 5 with Ryan Reaves of the Toronto Maple Leafs also receiving 4 votes of his own. Reaves is an infamous trash talker in the NHL and even got some trash talk going early this year with a warning to his fellow NHL players during a charity golf event last week. 

Do you agree with the results? Did the players get it right? Lets us know your thoughts in the comments.